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Bryan Roger lives in Los-Angeles he is 57 years old. He was born in June 1960.He has three kids with the same girl.His passion is cars and food.

Jacky Groleau is 55 years old, he lives in Montreal. He has no kid, his passion is the rodeo and horse.He was born in May 1962

Alex Jonhson has two kids, one girl and one boys. He is 58 years old and he was born in December 1959.His passion is the hockey and went to fish wit his daughter.He lives in New-York.

Sam Jarred his passion is football and the farm.Sam has 2 kids, is 54 years old.He was born in July 1963 and he lives in Toronto.

The name of the group is Level1, Bryan Roger is the singer.Sam Jarred is the drummer, Alex Jonhson is the bass guitar player and Jacky Groleau is the guitarist. We are frinds since a long time. The first song is "A new start" because with the environment everything is a starting again. The second track is "my old friend" because in this song tell what we went when we are young.  

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